Friday, July 29, 2011





为什么?为什么我不比别人聪明?为什么我就是那么笨?做什么东西都要比别人付出更多,就连读书也要比别人读的更久,花更多的心思,可是出来的成绩,一点都不对称。人家说:一分耕耘,一分收获。我明白这个道理,可是往往付出的更本就得不到该有的收获。我该怨谁?都怪自己笨,比别人付出的努力还不够可是就算再加倍的努力,我就会得到我想要的吗?我很困绕为什么有些人就是聪明?有些人只读了一次就记得了? 有些人不需要付出很大的努力就能拿到很好,很优秀的成绩为什么?为什么我不是他们?如果我是他们的话,那该有多好?如果我很聪明的话,那就会有更多的人发现我的存在,得到老师们的赏识,长辈们也会更加的疼爱。如果我是聪明的人,那我的人生又会是怎样的呢?





Tuesday, July 26, 2011


What can you do really, when things sucked to the max? Well, I guess all I can say is, yeah I screwed up again. Sometimes, things just doesn’t flow in the way it used to be, the way we want, it just out of our expectation, beyond our limit to get it right.

After you burst everything out of rage, you start to regret. Yeah, that`s me. Ironically that`s my line and I always fall into this shit situation. I just can`t control my emotion, I fail to manage it and let my anger get over my head. They say Rome wasn`t built in a day, and yet what a difference a day makes. It rings so true and fits so right in my situation, almost everytime I must say.

Today, I was in a fight with my mum, over a really stupid matter. And to entertain and get you audience to a higher peak which I must say, climax perhaps, I get my sis into this. And, yeah , congratulation! I end up fighting with my mum and my sis...which I really regret right after…yeah, right after! I hate myself being a shithole sometimes and honestly yeah I admit that I have a bad temper and seriously I have to fix it.

I regret. Seriously regret for what I have done but what is done is done. And I just did apologize and say sorry to my mum but it doesn`t help much. I`m sad. I just hope that this will be a lesson, a lesson that I will learn and don`t freaking repeat it in the future. I love my mum, I just hope that she can see this…I don`t wish to hurt your heart, please forgive me. I love you most . 

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Today , i have something to say. Just recently i was granted the privilege of choice, yet again. Now i`m eternally grateful for the fact that i have always been fortunate enough to choose how i wan to direct my days and my life. I get to choose what to wear and how to present myself, i get to choose what i want to do with myself, i get to choose what if my favourite food i want to eat later...etc.

But this is a different kind of "choice". This one here that i have on my lap, this is scary. This is dilemma, and the reality of it is that this is the kind of choice that, if chosen wrongly, would be looked upon with regret of many many years to come in the future.

What if i regret my decision? How am i going to face them after this? What if i don`t get what i want? What if he turns out to be the wrong person? What if i`m letting go of something invaluable? What if i hate myself for this?

Yesterday i cracked my head trying to figure out what i wanted. It kept me from sleeping, and had me feeling nervous the entire day.

Today i realized that there is really no need for me to be so torn up over this. I have been terrifying and doubting myself in so many ways that it has already taken a turn towards negativity, and that is simply not sustainable at all, which is why i`m going to let go. I haven`t come to a decision yet, but im not going to be afraid anymore.

I will not regret my decision. because regret is only a fantasy that your insecurities craft, a nightmare of sorts and blah blah blah...and it never helps a thing. One month from now wherever i found myself then, regarless of what i have chosen today, i have faith that it is nothing but meant to be. All this while i was trying to protect myself from the regret that i would potentially feel,but today, i see that this is ridiculous. This is life, there is nothing right or wrong decision, everything just is.

So,don`t regret anything, ever. Yeah, so things could have been different. You could be living in a bigger house right now, be married to a different person, have different roommates, etc. Your life could have taken on millions of different paths, but open up your eyes. Take a look around at the room you are in, and the people you are now surrounded with. This is it where it has led you, and this is where you are now.

I won`t regret. Regret ain`t gonna change a thing. And it`s such a pain in the ass.

Let it go, wherever it is. Your life is perfect. Believe it.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What i can say

What happens, really, when you hit rock bottom? I guess all i can say is that the best thing about being at the bottom is that the only other way is to go is up.

So here it is. I wont say i know how you feel, but i will tell you how i felt. I felt like disappearing. I felt so fudging stupid. I wanted to hit myself real hard on the head. To sum it up, i wanted to die. I felt like i was dying inside, and im not exaggerating. That period of time is now a faded memory, but if i dig deep down and remember every detail, it still hurts a little.

But listen. Sometimes shit happens, and you make the wrong choices, or you do the wrong things, or you dont do the things that you are supposed to do, and then things wind up being fcked up beyond comparison, and you have this impulse to knock your head against the wall repeatedly because you could have done this differently, and then things would have been different -- better maybe. But there is something to learn in everything that happens, no matter how minute or insignificant these things may seem .

Well , maybe it is okay to have screwed up. Because that is what people do, and i know that is no excuse, but that really doesnt matter as much as how they react to it, and how they fix it whilst moving on. Life was never meant to be easy, and if it was, then we'll never learn anything, and we'll never grow.

So let go is what i decided to do and i did and am still trying now . There's nowhere you can be that isn't where you're meant to be. It rings so true and fits so right. The past may have been great, it may have sucked, but it doesnt matter, because you guys are here now, and everything must have fallen into place perfectly.

So , keep bouncing back khai leong ! 


Sometimes , I imagine life like a piano. The white keys represent happiness, while the black keys represent sadness. But as you go through life’s journey, remember that the black keys make the music too.